Hi, a user is keen to understand if there is a feature in DataMiner that allows exporting the current security permissions configured for a particular group. This is mainly for documentation purposes in detail design docs to be shared with other teams (e.g.: Security team).
Currently the only way to view permissions configured for a particular group is to have access to DataMiner Cube and navigate to System Centre > Users/Groups > 'Groups' tab > 'Permissions' tab.
Ideally the user would like to have the output in the form of the table that we have in documented here: link. So in the first column, 'Cube Permission' and subsequent column would be each existing group with associated permissions enabled or disabled.
Hi Bing,
Maybe you could create an Ad-Hoc data source to read and parse the Security.xml file that is available at C:\Skyline DataMiner/Security.xml.
More information about Ad-Hoc data sources:
After that, you could create a dashboard/low code app to display the information in a table.
More information:
I’ve checked through the api hoping this data could be pulled out via there as well, but I could not find a solution. Is there a reference in the API somewhere that I might have missed where the groupspermissions tables can be extracted? Can an adhoc data source be referenced via the api? Thanks

Hi p salt,
There are some examples of Ad-Hoc data sources on our GitHub.
You can search by “GQIDS” (DS means data source).
You have for example this one: https://github.com/SkylineCommunications/SLC-GQIDS-JsonReader
This GQI data source can read in JSON files. You will need to do something similar, but to read the Security.xml file.
I’m not sure if there’s a better solution for this problem, but this approach should work.
Hi, to save us all a lot of repeated testing and development, could DataMiner post a solution showing how the adhoc might be created and then how a low code app might be added. ?