In IDP, there is a configuration option to define 'Element Name' based on the discovery of a device under provisioning. This field is mandatory and wondering whether IDP allows the users to define 'dynamic naming format' based on the device responses rather than hardcoding the field on the UI.
E.g. Element name field to be assigned with 'Device Name' field that comes in API response rather than typing 'Element 1' in the IDP.
Hi Srikanth,
Yes, that field supports static and dynamic parts to build what is called in IDP the name schema.
You can do something similar to what is shown in the image below where you want to have a fixed part "Arista 7010-" to indicate the product type as well as something specific to each individual product like the IP address
For a complete list of the supported keywords, you can check the following DataMiner Help link (Using keywords or placeholders)

The above link by Joao is broken, this one works