I've got an lowcode app where i can attach a file through IAS. How do download or open/show this file to our operators from an low code app? An preferably using only tools available in the official releases (not under soft launch) up to 10.3.6
Hi Gerwin,
In 10.3.7, IAS will support downloading files. I know this does not fully cover your needs, as you will have to wait mid-June and the availability of 10.3.7.

Hi Emmanuel,
Do you happen to know when the documentation will follow on this?

Hi Gerwin,
This is described in the RN for DataMiner Web Apps : https://docs.dataminer.services/release-notes/Web_apps/Web_apps_Feature_Release_10.3/Web_apps_Feature_Release_10.3.7.html#interactive-automation-scripts-new-downloadbutton-component-id_35869

Ah well. Just have to wait then 🙂