I have several files:
- main.py
- account.py
- devices.py
- activities.py
I call all these modules in main.py.
Does Scripted Connectors support modularization?
Or do I need to paste the code into one file? (like in the video & documentation)
Thank you in advance.
Data Sources does not support having multiple Python files linked to each other from the UI.
It only supports pasting the entire code into one file as seen in the tutorial as the primary goal of having a very straightforward way for a user to paste their code and be up and running.
If you want to use a modular structure to allow for the reusing of code then your best option is to have such files as libraries you would download with pip store them in the installation location and reference them from your main.py
Feel free to suggest in Feature Suggestions improvements that we can make to the Data Sources editor window as we are interested in knowing how our users will be using this feature.

Thanks for the explanation. Would be nice to have modularization.