A user was asking to have the installation of Cassandra & Elastic on another directory instead of the default /etc/...
I was wondering if this is possible on Linux Debian to specify an installation directory and if it's allowed to do this (way to go) to make sure the workflow won't be affected?
Everything is possible in Linux OS, but it won't be just a few clicks.
What is the intention behind installing the software under a custom directory? Typically /data storage is mounted to a separate disk or mount point, but not the entire software.
Depending on how debian packages are created for Elasticsearch and Cassandra, you may be able to use the option --instdir under dpkg command. Please see details at dpkg(1) — dpkg — Debian wheezy — Debian Manpages .
If not, one may need to download the source code to make changes, compile and build packages to install manually.
As far as I know, DataMiner doesn't bother about how the database is installed as long as it's accessible.
Please see the following documentation for pointing config files location to a custom directory.
Cassandra: https://docs.datastax.com/en/archived/cassandra/2.0/cassandra/tools/toolsCUtility_t.html
Elasticsearch: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/settings.html