Good Morning,
Today we had this error on our DMA: Database connection switched to file offload, we review the dma and we see that the elements dont charge the trending, we restart the dma but always the dma get freeze on 99%, any idea or troubleshooting for this issue?
Hi Carlos,
On saturday we don´t review the size of the folder, but on this moment the folder are empty.
Hi Javier,
Switching to file offload occurs when the connection to the database is severed. DataMiner will dump all the incoming data to files (located in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Offload), and will try to write these files back to the database once the connection is restored. During this time you will not be able to request data from the database (such as trending).
When starting up, DataMiner will delay its startup until it can write all the offload files to the database, so if a lot of data was offloaded this way, it can take a while to start up fully.
If DataMiner does not start up still, you can try to remove the files in the offload folder and see if it then starts up normally again. Note that data that could not be replayed to the database will be missing then, so for example trend graphs will show gaps during the time DataMiner was in offload mode.
Hi Javier,
I would suggest you go to the Local folder and verify the size of this folder. You can find this at C:/Skyline DataMiner/system cache/.
Right click on that folder and if it has thousands of files, rename it to something else (e.g Local_old) then restart your DMA, this should allow your agent to start.