If I have two columns like a name and a rank in a table on the cube and both are editable is there a way to "bulk" edit them. Can I change both parameters and receive a single notification in my quick action that they were both modified? What is the Data Miner way of handling this paradigm? I know that I can save them both at once but that still activates the quick action twice.
Hi William,
You can use the context menu feature to select the rows that will be processed by the QAction. Please refer to the documentation: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/devguide/Connector/UIComponentsCustomTableContextMenu.html
Define your context menu parameter with the following discrete option and add its ID as a trigger for the QAction:
Please note that only the keys of the selected rows are passed as an object to the QAction. You will then need to retrieve the values, e.g.: