Does anyone know if there is an existing configuration for Dashboards and/or a protocol parameter table that would allow suppression of unit type information in an exported file?
Issue: When you export parameters and/or metrics from a table it includes values and unit type in the cell.
i.e. Symbol Rate and Power is in the table and exported with the cell value as "100 kbps" or "-20.00 dBm" instead of just the value "100" or "-20".
Normally other software would append the unit type to the column header during export and align all data to the one unit type for synergy. Could look something like... Column Header = Rx Power (dBm) or Symbol Rate (kbps)
Hi Shawn,
Currently there is no functionality in Cube (at least not that I'm aware of) who can do this.
Maybe this is the perfect example where you could request a new feature.
We could for example implement an extra checkbox in the CSV export wizard to enable or disable the export of units foreach cell.
Note that a quick fix for now can be to 'find and replace' the units with notepad++
I'm looking forward to your feedback.

Thanks and that is what I assumed. I already created a task, will work with the create squad on this. Thanks!