To provide a customer report of the availability of a specific channel, we're looking to visualize the uptime of a specific parameter alarm over time. In other words, the alarm state of a specific signal presence parameter of an element.
In addition to the timeline component, we'd like to display a pie graph showing the number of alarms over time, and linked to a time range component.
Question: is there any possibility to show an alarm states pie graph (similar as in Cube) for a specific parameter, so showing a percentage of time that that parameter was into a specific alarm state, linked to a time range component?
One alternative that we're looking into is to link the pie graph to a custom GQI query, which could retrieve the alarm history of that single parameter. That could probably be created in a quite generic way to be easily re-used. But before looking into that, I was wondering if there are any other alternatives.
Another alternative is to link that alarm to a service, and get the service state displayed instead. It might also do the trick, but would require to have a service built for every customer channel.
hi Leander,
I believe for now, your best way forward is pie graph linked to a custom GQI query.

HI Hanny,
In order to have your pie chart to work as expected, you need your query to result in a table with a column with the labels and a column with the values. If you are at that stage already, it’s a matter of configuring that in the settings of your pie chart component.
Feel free to share the result of your current query (visualized in a table component for example), so we can see whether or not your query is already at a good state.
Hi, I am also working on the same topic, trying to present a similar pie chart to the one we see in the cube, but in the dashboard. I’m using GQI and have managed to sort the data into two conditions: normal and critical. However, when I convert it to a pie chart, it shows multiple segments for these two conditions, which is completely different from what I see in the cube. Any advise on what i miss, i’m thinking about grouping those two condition, but how to do that in dashboard?