Hi Dojo,
Did somebody already create a custom data source to read out the audit trail from a DOM instance?
Idea would be to select an existing DOM instance from a table in a form with a button to show the audit trail in a table
As the audit trail is already accessible via the client test tool (ideally the description is a bit more readable, but would already help a lot to see which persons made changes to a DOM instance)
Hi Martijn,
This should definitely be possible. I made a short example of how you can retrieve the DOM history for one DomInstance in a script: https://github.com/Skyline-ThomasGH/DataMiner_ScriptExamples/blob/main/DOM_GetHistoryForInstanceExample.xml
This will allow you to know who changed something and on when that happened. To know what exactly changed, you'll need to parse the 'IChangeDescription' objects which are present in the 'Changes' collection on each 'HistoryChange'. (The objects that are returned when retrieving the history)
As you can see, the 'IChangeDescription' is an interface, meaning that there can be different kinds of changes. At the time of writing, there are two:
- DomSectionChange : Contains the ID of the section and a collection with all the field values that were changed.
- DomInstanceStatusChange : Defines that the status was updated and contains the ID of before and after the change.
Let me know if you would need some help with parsing these. I could create another example script.