Does Dataminer have the ability to dynamically set on a map (like google map) the products and their connectivity ?
What information do I need to provide to my DataMiner to display such UI ?
Hi Alexis,
DataMiner does allow you to visualize elements, services etc. with real-time information on a map view and also the connectivity between these objects.
More information the full feature set of this topic can be found on DataMiner Maps - DataMiner Dojo
In order to visualize connectivity between objects, this can indeed be DCF based. In case that this is required in a mapping tool such as Google Maps, it can be done by using the 'connectivity' attribute.
This is describes in following DataMiner Help section, which covers also quite some other configuration options and features of maps in DataMiner. DataMiner Help

Maybe adding also, in addition to a maps representation, a different but very powerful way of visualizing connected objects could also be done through our node-edge dashboard component.
Surely advised to also check following