I previsouly created a CICD pipeline with muliple steps like building solution, creating DMAPP package, uploading DMAPP package and deploying DMAPP package with success (using secret key).
Now i am trying to do the same but with a connector/protocol solution.
- name: Create protocol package
if: github.ref_type == 'branch'
run: dataminer-package-create dmprotocol "${{ github.workspace }}/Protocol" --output "${{ github.workspace }}" --name "test"- name: Upload protocol
id: UploadDmprotocol
run: |
echo "uploadOutput=$(dataminer-catalog-upload --path-to-artifact "${{ github.workspace }}/test.dmprotocol" --dm-catalog-token ${{ secrets.DATAMINER_DEPLOY_KEY }})" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
shell: bash- name: Deploy protocol
run: |
dataminer-package-deploy from-catalog --artifact-id "${{ steps.UploadDmprotocol.outputs.uploadOutput }}" --dm-catalog-token "${{ secrets.DATAMINER_DEPLOY_KEY }}" --debug
For the last step "Deploy protocol", the deployment always fails. I don't have details of the error (even with --debug option).
Run dataminer-package-deploy from-catalog --artifact-id "[15:52:50 INF] {"artifactId":"dmscript/ac35a155-bfd9-4080-9c47-fbf8c49914b5"}" --dm-catalog-token "***" --debug
8[15:52:54 DBG] Attempting deployment with provided argument as token for artifact: dmscript/ac35a155-bfd9-4080-9c47-fbf8c49914b5...
9[15:52:54 DBG] Deploying dmscript/ac35a155-bfd9-4080-9c47-fbf8c49914b5
10[15:52:54 DBG] Deployment c7cf102c-2efb-4976-a780-9dc9d969a95e started...
11[15:52:54 DBG] Deployment started...
12[15:52:54 DBG] Waiting 3s before checking deployment status.
13[15:52:57 DBG] Checking deployment status...
14[15:52:58 FTL] Deployment Failed with status Error for artifact dmscript/ac35a155-bfd9-4080-9c47-fbf8c49914b5.
15[15:52:58 DBG] Deployment finished.
16[15:52:58 INF] {"Status":"Error"}
17[15:52:58 FTL] Fail-Deployment returned false
18Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
If anyone can help me resolve this error, I'd appreciate it.