As part of internal cybersecurity practices, our servers are subjected to regular vulnerability scans. On a recent scan, the scan result contained "SNMP Agent Default Community Name (public)" vulnerability. This basically means that there's an SNMP Agent listening to the default community name of "public".
After a check, I can reasonably conclude that DataMiner is the one listening on port 161. Is there anyway we can change the default community string to something else?
FYI, this DMA also has elements that communicate with devices via SNMP.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Andrew,
I think this is what you are looking for: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Functionality/SNMP_managers/Configuring_SNMP_managers/Changing_SNMP_agent_ports.html
Hi.. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I have managed to achieve what I wanted to do.