for a snmp protocol Is posible refer the Get/Set community to a parameter like the ip use "ipid"?
There is no similar tag like 'ipid' to directly link the community string to a parameter. If you want to show the community string from the connector, you can retrieve it via QAction logic and maintain the parameter that way.
Yes, changing the community string is also possible. Here’s on example on how to get the community string.
IDms dms = Protocol.GetDms();
IDmsElement thisElement = dms.GetElement(Protocol.ElementName);
ISnmpV2Connection snmpv2Connection = (ISnmpV2Connection)thisElement.Connections.First();
return snmpv2Connection.GetCommunityString;
If you want update the communitystring you can override the GetCommunityString and then call thisElement.Update(), which will apply the updates on the element
this process restart the element?
If the new value is different from the old one. Than the element will restart, just as would happen if you did it manually. If the value is the same as the previous value, it will not trigger an element restart.
it posible change it by qaction?