Hi Dojo
The DataMiner Development Library defines a way to change the range of a standalone parameter at runtime: NT_UPDATE_DESCRIPTION_XML (127). Is it also possible to change the range of a table cell at runtime? If so, would you like to guide me to the right SLProtocol or SLProtocolExt method please?
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards
As far as I know this is not possible. As an alternative you could check the range in a QAction, and maybe show a popup when the new value is outside range.

I think so yes. This way you can also block the set, when the value is not inside the valid range.

Good, thank you very much Tom!
Hi Tom, thank you for your answer! Good suggestion! To complete the alternative I think we also want to add a log line in case a script wants to set a value outside the range. That way, all options should be covered right?