What is the best way to install the support assistant dxm (and other important dxms) on an agent that doesn't have direct cloud access (but some other node in the cluster has).
Can I simply install the cloud pack? Or do I need to remove/Disable the cloud gateway service for example after installation?
Hi Matthijs,
At the moment, we do not publish the individual installers for these DxMs. So the best way to do it is indeed installing the Cloud pack on the desired agents and uninstalling the DxMs you don't need.
This should be a one-time thing, once installed updating these can be done through the admin app.

You can uninstall CloudGateway, CloudFeed, and ArtifactDeployer from the offline agents. These need internet access and will not work on offline agents.
Which ones should be uninstalled on an offline agent? Just the Cloud gateway?