Currently, on the Custom Booking Wizard (interactive script), when the user is typing the Booking Name (text box) and then stops typing, with the "WantsOnChange=true", the screen will reload - in order to capture which parameter was changed and perform checks/other processing. This reloading can cause some further mistyping if then the user resumes typing.
For now, I removed some of the execution that was happening when the Booking Name was changed and the reloading screen is faster, but is there any other alternative of having WantsOnChange=true?
Hi Vasco,
The WantsOnChange is indeed an option to have automatic delayed update on a control.
However, you can configure the option 'updatevalueonenterkey' when you use datetime controls.
When this option is enabled, then the user has to press Return/Enter key in order to manually 'execute' the update.
More info: https://help.dataminer.services/dataminer/#t=DataMinerUserGuide%2Fpart_7%2FCsharpReference%2FAutomationDateTimeUpDownOptions_properties.htm&rhsearch=updatevalueonenterkey&rhhlterm=updatevalueonenterkey&rhsyns=%20
Hope this helps you further