Currently, on the Custom Booking Wizard (interactive script), when the user is typing the Booking Name (text box) and then stops typing, with the "WantsOnChange=true", the screen will reload - in order to capture which parameter was changed and perform checks/other processing. This reloading can cause some further mistyping if then the user resumes typing.
For now, I removed some of the execution that was happening when the Booking Name was changed and the reloading screen is faster, but is there any other alternative of having WantsOnChange=true?
Hi Vasco,
Specifically for your use case, a new option WantsOnFocusLost was added.
This is available from 10.1.10 onwards and will only trigger if the user focusses on an other component.

Hi Vasco,
The WantsOnChange is indeed an option to have automatic delayed update on a control.
However, you can configure the option 'updatevalueonenterkey' when you use datetime controls.
When this option is enabled, then the user has to press Return/Enter key in order to manually 'execute' the update.
More info: https://help.dataminer.services/dataminer/#t=DataMinerUserGuide%2Fpart_7%2FCsharpReference%2FAutomationDateTimeUpDownOptions_properties.htm&rhsearch=updatevalueonenterkey&rhhlterm=updatevalueonenterkey&rhsyns=%20
Hope this helps you further
Yes! This is what I was looking for. Thank you.