I'd like to create an automation script that notifies all users with a pop-up message when a certain error alarm is generated.
In the DataMiner Help I found documentation on FindInteractiveClient method to display this pop-up and tested using a quick scheduled task. While testing, I used some colleagues to verify if they saw the pop-up, and they did not. When I run it, I am able to see the pop up from the call. When they run it, I am still the only one who sees it. My method call is below (close to the example in the Help):
string allowedGroups = "Administrators;Engineers";
bool ok = engine.FindInteractiveClient("Hello world", 100, allowedGroups, AutomationScriptAttachOptions.None);
And verifying it, I saw that the other users I tested with (3 separate people) were all within the allowedGroups and connected on the same DMA IP using 10.0.9.
Any idea as to why not everyone sees the pop-up message?
Thanks in advance.
In case there is no specific reason for letting clients 'attach' to the pop-up, perhaps a BroadCastPopupRequestMessage is the better choice here?

Good idea Ruben, didn’t know about that. We stuck with this message, but the attach is useful for seeing which user acknowledges the alarm as that generates an information event.