I'd like to create an automation script that notifies all users with a pop-up message when a certain error alarm is generated.
In the DataMiner Help I found documentation on FindInteractiveClient method to display this pop-up and tested using a quick scheduled task. While testing, I used some colleagues to verify if they saw the pop-up, and they did not. When I run it, I am able to see the pop up from the call. When they run it, I am still the only one who sees it. My method call is below (close to the example in the Help):
string allowedGroups = "Administrators;Engineers";
bool ok = engine.FindInteractiveClient("Hello world", 100, allowedGroups, AutomationScriptAttachOptions.None);
And verifying it, I saw that the other users I tested with (3 separate people) were all within the allowedGroups and connected on the same DMA IP using 10.0.9.
Any idea as to why not everyone sees the pop-up message?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Blake,
I also noticed following in the DMS Help. Do you have the same behaviour also if you would link it to a correlation rule or scheduled task?
If, as an interactive client, you manually execute a script from DataMiner Cube, you are automatically attached.

I’m unsure about what it going wrong, but would still propose following:
1. Update the code to use AutomationScriptAttachOptions.DisplayPopup (https://help.dataminer.services/dataminer/#t=DataMinerUserGuidepart_7CsharpReferenceAutomationScriptAttachOptions_enumeration.htm)
2. Try with a single group instead of multiple groups, just to see if that would be working fine.
Aside from that, I assume obviously that the groups exist and the users are into that security group. I tried it myself on 10.1.7 but seems to be working as expected.

I tried those two things and saw no change in behavior which I wasn’t expecting.
Perhaps it was buggy behavior, my main guess was that due to the DMS, it was only popping up for people on a certain DMA.
There was at one point someone else received the pop-up, but when I later tested with the same person (on the same account and without the code changing) they did not receive a pop-up.
I will test some more today and let you know if I notice any different results.

Hey Leander, after some more testing this morning – initially I tested and I did not receive the pop-up, while James did. When I reconnected to cube, we both received the pop-up.
My cube session was kept open from the previous night. That leads me to believe if you leave a session open too long, you will not receive the pop-up anymore. In the meantime, we implemented the BroadcastPopupRequestMessage for now.
Thanks for the help!
Indeed, I saw no behavior if I did not use the scheduler or correlation. So when testing, I created a scheduled task that ran the automation that I could run manually. Even then, only I saw the pop-up.