I am wondering if a cube side is completely isolated from the other sides of the cube session so that an audible alarm generated from one side has no effect to users if the side is not an active cube side.
Could someone please confirm if this is the case? Or will it still generate audios even if the alarms are from the inactive sides?
Paul Lee [DevOps Member] Selected answer as best 16th April 2024
If you use audible alarm per alarm tab in your alarm console, you will have the alert even if you are on a different Cube Side (where the tab is not opened).
Reza Biglari [DevOps Advocate] Posted new comment 18th April 2024

Is there a way that audible alarms can be limited to a Cube side?
Is this intentional by design and is it expected behaviour? It may be confusing to a user/operator to if they hear an audible alarm that is not from their active side.