I needed some guid from my Dom object so i was explorer with the SLClient tool, i noticed that the DOM object browser has an tab with attachments.Similar to the Jobs that in there. Is attachments also coming for the DOM and if so, when can we expect this?
Hi Gerwin,
Attachments are already fully supported for DOM. You can find a short explanation in the documentation here: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Modules/DOM/DomHelper_class.html#attachments.
If something would not be clear. Feel free to let me know.

This is unfortunately not possible yet. You can currently only upload, download & remove attachments using the DOM API.

Indeed, this is not supported yet in the app (This feature is on the roadmap more long-term but not planned yet). Believe that (in the current release) Would be interesting to learn which type of use case you want this feature for. Is it a ticketing type of application where a user can add some pictures from a bug for example or to document some resolution workflows (.pdf) etc that you want to attach to a certain DOM instance …
We’ve got an booking office that collects en creates an Instance with relevant information for our MCR operators. In most cases there are things like production sheets (can be pdf or docx files) excel sheets with more information. The orginal sat details etc.
We try to minimize to to double the work, and in case of a new version it can be easly attached to an instance. Giving the operators all information they need contained within an DOM instance/srm booking combo
Coming back to this, how can i show and open attachments when they are attached to an DOM instance from an lowcode app?
Hi Gerwin,
There is a way to upload files with a windows pop-up via the interactive script, guess this would work for your use case
That might work indeed. Thanks!
Something that you can do (as a workaround and requires probably some work) is adding two buttons which trigger an automation script where you feed the instance id of you DOM object. In the interactive automation script you can then add attachments which you add via the method Thomas (attachment api) showed. With the other button you visualize all attachments linked to that dom object.
Yes that might be possible, but i still have to put the file on agent first to be able to pick the file up. There is no drag/drop or upload file from local computer available within low code apps
Ah i missed that,
Next question, is it possible to upload files from an low code app to attach to an dom instance?