Hi Dojo,
I have a question, that derives from this thread.
I would like to use the alarm state of a view (respective the highest severity of alarms in all views below that view) as variable in an automation script. Is there a method to retrieve that value from a view? This should then finally used to set a value of a property for this view.
My scripts looks like this and is working well with a fixed value instead of the alarm severity variable and includes some exception handling already.
public class Script
public void Run(Engine engine)
ViewInfoEventMessage[] allViews = GetViews();
if(allViews == null)
engine.ExitFail("No views were found");
foreach(ViewInfoEventMessage view in allViews)
// do the filtering of views you want to update
public void UpdateViewProperty(ViewInfoEventMessage view, string propertyName, string propertyValue, Engine engine)
SetDataMinerInfoMessage request = new SetDataMinerInfoMessage();
request.bInfo1 = Int32.MaxValue;
request.bInfo2 = Int32.MaxValue;
request.DataMinerID = -1;
request.ElementID = -1;
request.HostingDataMinerID = -1;
request.IInfo1 = Int32.MaxValue;
request.IInfo2 = Int32.MaxValue;
SA sa = new SA();
sa.Sa = new String[] { propertyName, "read-write", propertyValue };
PSA psa = new PSA();
psa.Psa = new SA[] { sa };
request.Psa2 = psa;
request.StrInfo1 = $"view:{view.ID}";
request.What = 62;
SetDataMinerInfoResponseMessage response = engine.SendSLNetSingleResponseMessage(request) as SetDataMinerInfoResponseMessage;
if (response.iRet != 0)
engine.GenerateInformation($"Update of property {propertyName} on View {view.Name} was not OK");
public ViewInfoEventMessage[] GetViews()
var getViewsList = new GetInfoMessage
DataMinerID = -1,
Type = InfoType.ViewInfo
DMSMessage[] dmsma = Engine.SLNet.SendMessage(getViewsList);
if (dmsma == null)
return null;
return Array.ConvertAll(dmsma, input => (ViewInfoEventMessage)input);
Could you enlighten me?
Many thanks in advance and best regards
Hey Andre, any chance that you could further elaborate on the specific use case you're trying to cover? As Stacey indicates, it is surely possible to get the alarm state from an automation script, but it might be good to understand the eventual purpose of it.
I notice that you're also setting a property on the view according to the highest severity.
Just to see if there are other ways to achieve the end goal. 🙂