This seems to only be affecting a specific element on our system (Protocol: Bridge Technologies VB Probe Series, v1.2.0.24). But when using an Alarm Condition for this element, it doesn't work if the condition is referencing a Display Index column (I've confirmed it works on several other columns, including the Primary Index).
Is this a bug, or is there something special about Display Indexes? Or could it be because of the special characters in the VB Probe index (:/-)?
To illustrate here are the settings that don't work:
And these settings do work:
Hi Nick,
On top of what Catarina mentioned, I'm wondering if there is any reason why you are making use of a condition in order to filter on DisplayKey? Indeed, filtering on DisplayKey is typically done via following filter feature:

It's because this is an exclusion/negative filter (i.e. Ignore alarms on devices with the word TEST in their DisplayKey). Is there a way to accomplish this using that field? We'd actually prefer to use this method.
Ah just found it, I thought I had tried this and it didn't work, but maybe I did something wrong because it's working now!

Perfect! Thank you for providing the appropriate DataMiner Docs link
Hi Nick,
While alarming a discplay key column is not allowed, as referenced in our docs Display keys | DataMiner Docs:
There should be no issue referencing a display key in alarm conditions. However, after testing the driver you mentioned, I noticed that the display key is of type NamingFormat. This particular type appears to have a limitation when it comes to alarm conditions.
I recommend reporting this issue to Techsupport with a detailed explanation of the current situation. They will be able to further assist you.
Great, thank you I'm opening a ticket now. But just for visibility on here, I am alarming on the "TS Sync" column and only using the DisplayKey for the condition.
To have no misunderstanding, I'm not saying filtering on DisplayKey via condition is wrong. It's perfectly fair from you to expect it to work and it still makes sense for you to raise a ticket for this, thanks for that. I'm just here proposing a (potentially somewhat more natural?) alternative.