DSDM: dynamic system development method

The Dynamic Systems Development Method provides a framework of controls and best practice for Rapid Application Development. It was created by a consortium of organisations and it has been proved, since its publication in January 1995, to be extremely effective in delivering maintainable systems which match the needs of the business better than those produced using traditional lifecycles.
This book, commissioned by the DSDM Consortium and written by the chairman of the Technical Committee which developed the method, explores the day-to-day realities of implementing the method. It is a practitionerIs guide, dealing with issues such as how to get people from different disciplines to work together as a team, how to gain commitment and how to manage projects within normal business constraints.In this book you will find:
- practical guidelines on the implementation of key elements of the method such as “timeboxes” and the MOSCOW Rules
- clear recommendations for the roles and responsibilities of the members of the development team
- advice on which type of application is most likely to benefit from the method
- eight lengthy case studies by well-known companies, providing a benchmark against which to assess the suitability of candidate projects
- numerous examples and anecdotes, enabling the reader to benefit from the authorIs experience putting the method into practice
Do you want to cut the development time and increase the fitness-for-use of screen based business applications, by orders of magnitude?
This book will enable those in organisations which develop or purchase tailored IT systems, to gain a clear understanding of the benefits of the incremental and iterative approach embodied in the DSDM