When we embed a router control component in a Visio we have access to some session variables, SelectedInput and SelectedOutput.
Is it possible for a visio embedded in a router control panel to access these variables? Without having to embed the router control component into the Visio.
Hi Martin,
- It is possible to configure Visio files from Views within a router control component.
- From onwards, it is made possible that Visio file components within the router control component can communicate (= variables) with the Visio file that embeds that router control component.
Example image: A Visio file which shows a matrix tab page. The middle part is an embedded Visio file which has a button.
Pressing the button will set the SelectedInput and SelectedOutput variable.
The 'master' Visio file and the embedded Visio file do share the context, so those variables are used on the Router Control component.

Visio files within the component card share the same session context, but the component does not listen to the session variables.
Thank you
Thank you Matthias, if you embedd a Visio/view in the router control app itself can they Visio communicate with the application, access those variables?