Bringing the Thunder

An electrifying continuous online learning journey

Brace yourself for a remarkable series of weekly online learning sessions featuring immersive video tutorials, hands-on exercises, illuminating podcasts, and a wealth of content meticulously curated to empower you with the skills and knowledge to become the ultimate DataMiner creator.

Bringing the Thunder - DataMiner DevOps tutorials with Jan Staelens

Upcoming episodes:

By actively participating, you'll have the opportunity to earn DevOps Points. For every tutorial completed, you can pocket 75 DevOps Points, and if you manage to conquer the challenge within the week, an extra 75 points will be added to your tally.

Create your own information template

May 10

Create a customized information template to improve and tailor how data is presented to meet the changing needs of your business. Discover how an information template grants you the flexibility to override parameter data defined in a protocol, such as descriptions, without altering the protocol itself.

Register on LinkedIn or YouTube.

Master correlations rules

May 17

Ready to dive into your first correlation rule setup? In this KATA tutorial, we're tackling the scenario of Network Switch timeouts. Learn how to set up correlation to jump into action, running an automation script and shooting off emails when those timeouts hit

Using the spectrum analyzer

May 24

In this Kata, you'll learn how you can locate and measure the carriers in a spectrum with our powerful Spectrum Analyzer, which is built into DataMiner Cube. Moreover, you can generate an alarm if the received signal is altered or manipulated

Past episodes:


Kata #29: DataMiner Hardening


Kata #28: Utilize automated relationship learning for seamless root cause analysis


Kata #27: Custom ChatOps operator: Use buttons in adaptive cards


Kata #26: Set up IDP to back up your device configuration


Kata #25: Getting started with IDP and onboarding new equipment


Kata #24: Make a DOM module state-aware


Kata #23: Contributing to the DIS Validator


Kata #22: How to make a connector CI/CD pipeline


Kata #21: Visual Overview design basics


Kata #20: Integrating Dashboards in DataMiner Cube


Kata #19: Transform Low-Code Apps into visual delights


Kata #18: Creating a scripted connector


Kata #17: Node edge component


Kata #16: Introducing grid components


Kata #15: Getting started with DataMiner Object Models


Kata #14: Transform your tables with templates


Kata #13: Controls and feeds in a Low-Code App


Kata #12: Automatically detect anomalies with DataMiner


Kata #11: Create a DMS on (DaaS)


Kata #10: Create a simple interactive script

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How does it work? 🧑‍💻

Bringing the Thunder is a completely free and fully online learning experience. This means you can dive into the action from wherever you are and whenever it suits your schedule.

Every single week we'll unveil fresh learning content–from step-by-step tutorials to illuminating podcasts. Some modules may even include tasks for you to complete and submit.

And of course you will get the opportunity to earn some sweet DevOps Points in the process.

Who is it for? 🔥

Any DevOps Professional–from enthusiastic Member to seasoned Catalyst. Whether you're looking to supercharge your learning journey, unleash your creativity with DataMiner, or get hands-on with its coolest DevOps features, this journey is tailored for you.

Our content spans various difficulty levels, offering a flexible learning experience. Some weeks, you'll find easier sessions, while others provide intermediate challenges. There's no commitment, however. If a piece of content doesn't catch your fancy, you can simply skip it! It's your learning journey, we're only offering the fascinating stops.