Service Providers - Broadband
Without a doubt, satellite broadband is going through a tremendous upwards shift. Whereas in the past “always connected” was the goal, the mantra for service providers today is to ‘Always provide a good broadband experience’. And ‘good’ has a different meaning to different broadband users: high average bandwidth, high peak bandwidth, low latency, good quality OTT video, mobile connectivity, etc.
In order to respond to the changing customer and consumer demand, the VSAT network is going through a lot of changes: new products are launched with high efficient waveforms, multi-band terminals, wideband transponders, advanced TDMA access protocols developed by specific vendors, IP acceleration and compression are standard practice, tunable and steerable antennas with higher gains, smart LNBs, etc. Not to forget about the raise of LEO and MEO constellations that primarily target low latency and high throughput broadband.
Without surprise, new technology is developed using IT software technology: IP networking and SDN switching, and hub and terminal virtualization (NFV). Consequently, managing and operating a broadband VSAT service has become much more complex than ever before, and that complexity is further increased by the many proprietary products and systems on the market that have little or no interoperability. All this, however, is the sweet spot of the DataMiner multi-vendor network management and OSS platform.

E2E management of all your technology
DataMiner manages all your technology end to end: ground stations, VSAT hubs of all vendors on the market, data center (on premises and/or cloud), IP networking, remotes and remote terminals (e.g. Wi-Fi hotspots), facilities, etc. DataMiner not only controls and monitors all products and systems, the platform also comes with a rich set of artificial intelligence (AI) to assist operators: forecasting performance and faults, detection of behavioral and configuration anomalies, intelligent incident detection, automated root cause analysis, etc.
The platform comes with a broad set of OSS capabilities or integrates seamlessly with your existing tools including ticketing, capacity planning, orbital planning, regulatory information databases, geolocation tools, weather stations, ERIP footprint databases, etc.
Process automation
Empower your organization with a rich set of process automation taking care of your OSS/BSS and technical workflow automation. DataMiner Process Automation tracks and plans resources, their capabilities and capacity, avoiding oversubscription at all times. The service life cycle (LSO) is also fully automated based on DataMiner Service and Resource Manager (SRM) technology.