Government & Defense
Fixed and mobile communication systems (COTM/COTP)
Communications is the backbone of any government and defense organization, and that goes along with a robust and reliable operations. Depending on the security classifications and use cases, a variety of different COTS and proprietary products and software systems are used to build communication networks. Without doubt, cloud is on the top-3 priority list of many CTOs. The DataMiner NMS and OSS platform integrates with all products and software systems, regardless of manufacture, model or deployment (hardware, software, appliance, cloud function or service).

Workload monitoring and orchestration
End-to-end orchestration and monitoring of workloads for fixed and mobile communications including governmental and NGO networks, networks for elections, interconnection of military bases, comms on the move (aeronautical, manned aircrafts and UAV, maritime), comms on the pause (vehicles), etc.
Transmission services
Single-click service and connection scheduling & life cycle management (activation, deactivation, redundancy, etc.). The transmission services may run over satellite (multi-band VSAT and/or M/SCPC), fiber, microwave, cloud, etc.
Resource planning and reservation
Full planning and reservation of resources ahead of activation time. This includes reservation of capacity on equipment, terminals, IT systems and data centers, etc., but also reservation of bandwidth on an IP network or capacity in a data center.